Thursday 29 October 2020

Fletcher of Saltoun Award Winners Announced

We are delighted to announce that the first three winners of the 2020 Fletcher of Saltoun Awards are Lesley Riddoch, Prof. Devi Sridhar and Prof. Wilson McLeod. 




I’m deeply honoured to receive this Award from the Society. After centuries of marginalisation and denigration Gaelic language and culture have gained a level of appreciation and respect from government, public institutions, and civil society in Scotland that allows us to be more optimistic again about their potential to enrich the lives of future generations - Prof. Wilson McLeod



Prof. Devi Sridhar

 Thank you so much for this Award. I am absolutely thrilled to be here in Scotland, to be part of this community […] I look forward to continuing to work and be part of the Scottish community in the months and years to come. - Prof. Devi Sridhar


I’d like to say a massive thank you to the members of the Saltire Society and the panel that have nominated and selected me for this amazing Award. It’s come completely out of the blue and at a great time actually when the COVID crisis has left us all a bit isolated and maybe a bit down, so this has really bucked me up. [...What I've got now is this fabulous Award and a great feeling of pride because of this recognition by my ain folk.  - Lesley Riddoch


11 February 2021

Branches Going Online

A number of our branches have taken their events online!

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28 January 2021

Celebrating the Life of Robin MacCormick

We are sorry to note the passing of Saltire stalwart Robin MacCormick. 

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4 November 2020

Fletcher of Saltoun Award Final Winners Announced

Three more inredible Scots have been honoured for their work in contributions to Science, Public Life and Arts and Humanities. 

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