
Members Blog No 6 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Wednesday 5 December 2012

Members Blog No 6 Jim Tough, Executive Director

As the festive season approaches I am pleased to report another period of positive activity for the Society.

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Members Blog No. 5 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Wednesday 5 September 2012

Members Blog No. 5 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Hope you have had a good summer despite the vagaries of the weather. Rain, hail or shine the work of the Society continues to proceed apace and there is much to let you know about.

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Members Blog No. 4 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Wednesday 4 July 2012

Members Blog No. 4 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Apparently it’s summer, though no one seems to have told the Jet Stream which has taken a wrong turn and insisted on leaving Scotland drookit and damp!

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Members Blog No 3 Jim Tough Executive Director

Tuesday 29 May 2012

Members Blog No 3 Jim Tough Executive Director

Another month of good progress and with new opportunities for our wider success a cause for optimism, which is my natural pre-disposition!

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Members Blog No 2 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Wednesday 4 April 2012

Members Blog No 2 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Hello from a chilly Edinburgh in the second of my regular updates to members.

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Members Blog No 1 Jim Tough, Executive Director

Thursday 1 March 2012

Members Blog No 1 Jim Tough, Executive Director

I wanted to write early in my tenure as your new Executive Director, to introduce myself and to let you know what I will be doing in the coming months.

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