Tuesday 21 July 2020

Professor of Philosophy Alexander Broadie Honoured by Saltire Society

Professor of Philosophy Alexander Broadie Honoured

by The Saltire Society


Professor Broadie at a Society event in 2013 photographed by Iain McLean



We at the Saltire Society are delighted to announce that Professor Alexander Broadie will take up the role of Honorary Vice President.


Alexander Broadie has long been involved in the Society as a supporter, Convener of the Glasgow Branch and until recently a Trustee of the Society.


Professor Broadie is an authority on the Scottish philosophical tradition and has written prolifically on the subject. In 2000 the Saltire Society were pleased to publish Why Scottish Philosophy Matters, which highlights the important contributions of Scottish philosophers to worldwide thinking. His book A History of Scottish Philosophy was awarded the History Book of the Year in the 2009 Saltire Literary Awards.


His extensive list of publications includes: The Scottish Enlightenment: The Historical Age of the Historical Nation, Agreeable Connexions: Scottish Enlightenment Links with France and Reid making sense of moral sense in the Journal of Scottish Philosophy.


He is an Honorary Professorial Research Fellow at University of Glasgow and in July 2018 received a Lifetime Achievement Award from the Eighteenth-Century Scottish Studies Society. He holds the position of Emeritus Professor of logic and rhetoric, and honorary professorial research fellow at Glasgow University and was Henry Duncan prize lecturer in Scottish Studies, Royal Society of Edinburgh (1990–1993). Throughout his career, Professor Broadie has educated and supported innumerable students and his influence has stretched beyond academia into the wider international community. At the Saltire Society, Professor Broadie has been a generous, inspirational and educational presence among the membership, governance and, especially, at the local Glasgow Branch.


Sarah Mason, Director of the Saltire Society:

It is our pleasure to present Professor Alexander Broadie with the accolade of Honorary Vice President of the Saltire Society. Alexander has worked tirelessly for Scottish philosophy and culture and it is a privilege to work with him through the Saltire Society’s work. We hope this recognition goes some way to show the high esteem in which Professor Broadie is held nationally and internationally.




Professor Alexander Broadie:

I feel greatly honoured by the Saltire Society's invitation to be its honorary vice president. I have long been an active and enthusiastic supporter of the work that the Society has been doing on behalf of Scottish culture. Its tireless promotion of Scotland's architecture, science, engineering, literature, archeology and philosophy, among many other areas, has been a major stimulus of Scottish arts, humanities and the sciences, and I look forward to continuing my active support of the Society in its precious work.


As the first Honorary Vice President, Professor Alexander Broadie joins an impressive community of previous Honorary Presidents which include; emeritus Professor of Scottish & Victorian Literature Ian Campbell, writer and political activist Paul Henderson Scott and lawyer and prominent member of parliament in Holyrood, Westminster and Brussels Winifred Ewing.



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