Wednesday 24 October 2018

Saltire Infrastrucutre Awards 2018 Winners Announced

In a ceremony held tonight at the Natinonal Museum of Scotland, the 2018 Saltire Infrastructure Awards winners were announced by Kate Forbes MSP, Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy.

The Awards attracted 12 entries from across Scotland and included submissions for harbours, bridges, tunnels, motorways, distilleries, railways, public spaces and flood protection schemes.

Presenting the main awards at a special ceremony at the National Museum of Scotland in Edinburgh, Kate Forbes, MSP, Minister for Minister for Public Finance and Digital Economy said:
“These projects are already demonstrating a return on investment by enabling us to travel faster and more safely, protecting communities from flooding, minimising disprution and protecting our environment. I’m delighted to have the opportunity to recognise the unsung heroes behind such feats of -engineering and to see so many projects, which are future-proofing vital infrastructure assets. Looking after what we’ve got is often as important as building new.”

Convenor of the Awards judging panel, Ainslie McLaughlin, said:
“The scale and complexity faced in delivering the Forth Replacement Crossing and Shieldhall Tunnel projects make them very worthy winners but all the entries showcase the ingenuity, expertise and dedication required to tackle technical constraints whilst maintaining safety and quality standards and addressing environmental impact.”

Professor Sally Mapstone, President of the Saltire Society, said:
“Civil engineers design, build and maintain the vital infrastructure on which our quality of life depends and these projects show Scotland at its best. The Saltire Society celebrates the Scottish imagination and talent and nowhere is this more evident than in the ‘art and science’ of civil engineering.”


Greatest Contribution to Scotland Award

Forth Replacement Crossing


The Infrastructure Award

Shieldhall Tunnel


The Building Award

The Macallan Distillery


Engineered in Scotland Award

Camogli Medical Centre – Tristan da Cunha


Regeneration Award

Sighthill Regeneration


11 February 2021

Branches Going Online

A number of our branches have taken their events online!

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28 January 2021

Celebrating the Life of Robin MacCormick

We are sorry to note the passing of Saltire stalwart Robin MacCormick. 

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4 November 2020

Fletcher of Saltoun Award Final Winners Announced

Three more inredible Scots have been honoured for their work in contributions to Science, Public Life and Arts and Humanities. 

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