Thursday 24 November 2016

Saltire Publisher Awards Announced

2016 Saltire Society Publisher of the Year

supported by the National Lottery through Creative Scotland

The winner of the Publisher of the Year award will be given to opportunity to attend the renowned Yale University Publishing course, fully funded as parts of the Saltire’s 80th anniversary celebrations.

"Floris has had a sparkling year, but the honour of being named Scottish Publisher of the Year is undoubtedly the crowning achievement. We're so proud that children's books, in particular, are being recognised at the highest level. This award is dedicated to the people who have built Floris over four decades: our brilliant authors and illustrators, our creative and tireless team, and the wonderful Scottish literary community who has supported us throughout."

                       -- Katy Lockwood-Holmes, Publisher & Chief Executive, Floris Books




2016 Emerging Publisher of the Year Award

In partnership with Publishing Scotland and the Society of Young Publishers Scotland




New for 2016, the winner of the Saltire Emerging Publisher of the Year Award was also announced as Leah McDowell, Design and Production Manager at Floris Books. Leah was awarded £500 and said:

"I'm truly delighted to have won this inaugural award which celebrates all the amazing, emerging talent that makes the Scottish publishing industry so rich and lively. Publishing is a team effort so big thanks to Floris Books, which has supported me from the beginning, and of course to the immensely talented illustrators I have the privilege to work with every day."




11 February 2021

Branches Going Online

A number of our branches have taken their events online!

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28 January 2021

Celebrating the Life of Robin MacCormick

We are sorry to note the passing of Saltire stalwart Robin MacCormick. 

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4 November 2020

Fletcher of Saltoun Award Final Winners Announced

Three more inredible Scots have been honoured for their work in contributions to Science, Public Life and Arts and Humanities. 

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