Friday 24 May 2013

Richard Holloway's Plea for a Secular Scotland

'A Plea For A Secular Scotland' by Richard Holloway

Saltire Series No 1 is a limited edition publication featuring a commissioned cover design by Alasdair Gray. It costs £5.00 and can be purchased directly form our Head Office, contact details below.

At a press conference at 11am on the 7th June 2013 the Saltire Society we will announce the reintroduction of the Saltire Series (first published in 1942) with Richard Holloway’s ‘A Plea for A Secular Scotland’.  The first pamphlet from the Saltire Series sees Dr Holloway asking Scotland’s people to work towards a modern secular society that balances the needs of the religious and the faithless to create a society of equality. 

 The Saltire Series will see a succession of provocations from individuals to spark fresh thinking, ignite debate and challenge our orthodoxies in today’s Scotland.  

 An event with Richard Holloway to discuss/debate his pamphlet will take place on the 13th June at the Society Headquarters at 7pm.  The ticket price ibncludes a cope of the pamhlet and a glass of wine or soft drink. Booking for this event through the Society is essential as spaces are limited. Booking will be available from May 29th, but advance booking is now open to Saltire members. Entry will be £10 per person for members, £15 for non-members. Call 0131 556 1836 to book or email us at

The Saltire Society’s role as an advocate, and celebrant of all that is best in our national cultural life, has a purpose. It is a reminder, an encouragement and a provocation to politicians, policy makers, public bodies, and the public of the importance of our creative lives.  The Saltire Series is an important part of the Society’s work as an advocate and as a place for diverse voices to be heard.

The launch of the new Saltire Series of pamphlets asserts our proper position as a platform for free and independent thinking on the issues that matter most to Scotland today. We believe our role as an independent, apolitical cultural commentator is as vital today as it ever was.




11 February 2021

Branches Going Online

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28 January 2021

Celebrating the Life of Robin MacCormick

We are sorry to note the passing of Saltire stalwart Robin MacCormick. 

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4 November 2020

Fletcher of Saltoun Award Final Winners Announced

Three more inredible Scots have been honoured for their work in contributions to Science, Public Life and Arts and Humanities. 

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