We are excited to bring our back catalogue of Saltire Series available to download for free.

We are releasing one pamphlet each week, completely free, for you to download, read and enjoy.

In the Saltire Series we have invited individuals to spark fresh thinking, ignite debate and challenge our orthodoxies, through the publication of short commissioned essays. The Editorial note from a pamphlet produced in 1942 is still a strong expression of the proposition. ‘They will express the considered judgements of their own authors, to whom complete freedom has been given; and are not to be taken as representing the policy of the Saltire Society, whose objective is to promote that free and informed discussion without which no sound policy for Scotland’s future can be shaped.’

Cover Design by Alasdair Gray.


To celebrate National Poetry Day, we are pleased to present two poetry pamphlets free to download. 


Download Second Wind here


Download Singing the City here




Malcolm Fraser is working with Jubilee Scotland https://www.jubileescotland.org.uk/ and the Common Weal https://commonweal.scot/ on replacement proposals to the Scottish Government’s ongoing privatisation policies, with their consequent demolition and rebuild virtue-less cycles. The proposals involve prudential public borrowing and a reconsideration of prudential reuse as well: an end to the abandonment of solid an light-filled old buildings to suit the demands of an industry focussed on recycling our public infrastructure into landfill every few decades. Fraser’s contribution is, therefore, tentatively titled “Make-do-and-Mend” – MdaM – to replace PFI, PPP and the like.

Download Shoddy Schools Here


Download Re Building Scotland here


Download Notes Towards a National Literature HERE.


Download Making Better out of Good Here

Download Myth and Realilty by Magnus Linklater HERE


Download no. 3 here




Download HERE