Kay Matheson

December 7, 1928 - July 6, 2013

Reclaimed the Stone of Destiny

Kay Matheson was born on a croft at Inverasdale, on the western shore of Loch Ewe, Wester Ross and was one of four students who reclaimed the Stone of Destiny from Westminster Abbey on Christmas Day in 1950. Kay, then 22, and three males, all Scottish Nationalists, conducted a dramatic raid to return the 336 pound stone to Scotland. The "theft" of the Stone launched a nationwide police hunt at which time, closed the border between England and Scotland for the first time in almost 400 years. Although, the retrieval of the stone was theft and treason, no one was prosecuted and the four of them became heroes to most of Scotland. Initially meant to be a student prank, this became one of the greatest heists in history and a breakthrough for Scottish Nationalism. Kay, a member of the Covenant, met her fellow nationalists while studying at Glasgow University to become a teacher in Gaelic and English. She later fulfilled her goal to teach in the Highlands.

Alison Josselyn said:

"I believe that Kay Matheson is a fitting nominee with the vote for Scottish Independence pending. Her courage, patriotism and loyalty to Scotland makes her stand out as a true Woman of Scotland."

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