Jenni Fagan


Scottish writer Jenni Fagan graduated from Greenwich University with the highest possible grade for a Creative Writing student. Since graduating she has worked for the Norfolk Blind Association as a creative writing tutor, been Lewisham Hospital’s Writer in Residence, and built The Scold’s Bridle, a large sculpture engraved with words written by young offenders and women in prison (exhibited in Greenwich Gallery, London). As a published poet, Fagan has been twice nominated for the Pushcart Prize, shortlisted for the Dundee International Book Prize and been winner of host of awards from Scottish Screen, Peggy Ramsay and Arts Council England, to name a few. But it is her prose that is currently capturing the attention of the literati. Fagan’s debut novel, The Panopticon, has met with high praise from former Poet Laureate-turned novelist Andrew Motion (who dubs Fagan ‘the real thing’) and has found itself on the Waterstone’s 11 - the bookseller’s pick of the best debut novels of 2012. The Panopticon is a poignant, perceptive and powerful work from an author destined to be a household name in Scottish literature.

Jenni was recently selected as one of the once in a decade — Granta Best of Young British Novelists. She is the current Writer In Residence at Edinburgh University.

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