Hamira Khan

Chief Executive of the Scottish Youth Parliament

Currently Chief Executive of the Scottish Youth Parliament, Hamira has built the profile, reach and reputation of the organisation as a credible go-to for the voice and views of Scotland’s young people. Hamira is a recognised third sector leader in Scotland with a track record of engaging a range of key stakeholders and decision makers to influence debate, policy and achieve lobbying success.

As a young graduate, Hamira worked in the marketing team of British Airways Plc and then in 2002 set up a leading consultancy company, specialising in public affair strategies and campaigns. She has acted as a mentor for many aspiring entrepreneurs and continues to provide ongoing counsel to government bodies on how to strengthen their engagement with minority ethnic communities.

Hamira was one of twelve national companies invited to participate in the successful trade mission to Pakistan for the formal twinning of Lahore and Glasgow, to boost business, trade and education links between the two cities.

Then, in late 2004, Hamira moved to the Middle East when Dubai became the logical place to win business, and launch her office in the MENA region. With her strategic location in a consistently strong economy, she targeted markets in Central Asia, the Middle East, and the Asian Subcontinent.

After working with a variety of public sector and corporate clients, Hamira returned to Scotland in 2009 and has since been an advocate for young people, with a particular emphasis to inspire, motivate and help 14-25 year olds achieve personal success. 

Hamira’s passion and interest in strategy and creating opportunities for people and communities, led to her public appointment on the Scottish Parliament Corporate Body, Equality Advisory Group and the Scotland Committee of the Big Lottery Fund. The Big Lottery Fund has invested £375 million in over 16,000 projects in Scotland since 2006. A further £270 million will be invested by 2015 and Hamira plays a key role in the development of funding initiatives, policies and programmes which fit a Scottish context, shapes programmes and awards grants which enable people to improve and take more control of their futures.

Hamira lives in the West End of Glasgow with her husband Ali Khan. 

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