Doli at the Saltire Fletcher of Saltoun Ceremony in 2012

Dolina MacLennan

Actor, Singer

January 1, 1938 -

A native of Lewis, Dolina MacLennan is a long time singer of Gaelic and folk music.

In 1962, she was part of Plain Songs and all that Jazz, with George Melly and Al Fairweather-Sandy Brown All Stars playing blues and jazz. This was the first appearance of Folk and Jazz at the official Festival and was broadcast on the BBC. The next official Festival event she took part in was in the 1972 production of Fin McCool.

She was a member of the original cast of The Cheviot, The Stag and the Black Oil, the seminal work by playwright John McGrath which toured in the 1970s.

In 1970, Dolina broke new ground by singing for Stuart Hobb's production in the Scottish Ballet An Clo Mor and brought Gaelic lessons to people's home with Beagan Gaidhlig under the direction of George Reid. She was part of the Gaelic soap Machair since its inception in 1992.

Dolina won the Fletcher of Saltoun Award for her significant contribution to Scotland’s life and culture in 2012.


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