Ann Matheson


Librarian, Historian, Academic Administrator

Dr. Ann Matheson, formerly keeper of printed books in the National Library of Scotland, is Secretary-General of the the Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) and  Chairman of the Advisory Committee for Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Library, UHI, Isle of Skye. She is Editor of Statistical Accounts Online in the University of Edinburgh, and a member of the Board of the Scottish Poetry Library.

Quietly and unobtrusively, with both immense diplomacy and passionate commitment, Ann Matheson has worked throughout her life to improve the quality of the cultural and academic life of Scotland. She conjoins deep knowledge of Scottish history and culture, particularly, but by no means exclusively, in relation to Gaelic and the Highlands and Islands, with a thoroughly international outlook and a selfless ability to work with others on committees and the boards of cultural organisations. Her work for and on behalf of the Saltire Society is of course one example of this service.

As well as her membership of numerous advisory bodies, in which her forensic attention to detail and her high ethical and professional standards have been greatly valued, she has enjoyed a long career and held several significant positions, including Keeper of Printed Books at the National Library of Scotland, Secretary-General of the Ligue des Bibliothèques Européennes de Recherche (LIBER) and Chairman of the Advisory Committee of Sabhal Mòr Ostaig Library, University of the Highlands and Islands, Isle of Skye. She is currently a member of the Board of the Scottish Poetry Library.

She has championed Scotland’s literary and linguistic culture and without her dedication and hard work, for which she has received very little public recognition, Scotland would undoubtedly be a poorer place.

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