The Saltire Society Trust aims to ensure that there is an independent, expert voice that will speak for the importance of our creative lives unhindered by political interest and the changing circumstances of public funding. Drawing on Saltire Society funds from legacies and merging with two other like-minded trusts it has assets of almost £2m which will be used to support the general work of the Saltire Society and in particular enable us to encourage and invest in the work of individual practitioners. That work will often be done in partnership and this years ‘Inspiring Scotland’ programme is a case in point.

The Helix Project was A Civil Engeneering Award winner in 2014

During our 80th anniversary year the Saltire Society is launching a programme of support to help young and emergent artists and creative individuals to explore, innovate and create. A total budget of £50k has drawn on investment from The Saltire Society Trust, Creative Scotland and the British Council will see up to 20 awards made during 2016. Central to the process will be a series of partnerships with highly regarded arts and cultural bodies. They will provide the expertise to help decide upon the successful applications.

About the Trust

The Saltire Society Trust has been established to support work of the Saltire Society now and into the future.

It will make a real difference by underpinning the Saltire Society’s commitment to;

  • Supporting a programme of Awards that recognise and celebrate Scottish achievement
  • Nurturing emerging talent through the new ‘Enlighten’ programme of bursaries
  • Supporting and recognising exceptional individuals through the new ‘Saltire Fellowship’ programme
  • Ensuring there is an independent voice that speaks for Scottish culture and heritage now and for generations to come
  • Creating a platform for debate, commentary and discussion on important matters of civic interest


2019-2020 Annual Review and Accounts

2018-2019 Annual Review and Accounts


Saltire Trust Constitution