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Iain Macwhirter's 'Democracy in the Dark: The Decline of the Scottish Press and How to Keep the Lights On'

Iain Macwhirter's

'Democracy in the Dark: The Decline of the Scottish Press and How to Keep the Lights On''


This detailed work takes a look into the landscape of the Scottish press, it’s influence in the Scottish Independence referendum and the potential for partiality and corruption. Macwhirter lays out how the progress in Scotland is made without a press which can shine a light on it. He asks questions of bias, of column inches and of how Scotland can make a press to reflect its actions.

Iain Macwhirter

Iain Macwhirter is the political commentator for the Herald and the Sunday Herald, an author and documentary film and radio presenter and former Rector of Edinburgh University. He has worked at both the UK Parliament and Scottish Parliament, presenting the BBC2programmes "Westminster Live", "Scrutiny", and from 1999 the BBC TV "Holyrood Live" programme from the Scottish Parliament. In 2013 he published Road to Referendum which accompanied a major new three-part television series - Road to Referendum - on STV and ITV.