Ensuring an independent voice that supports and promotes Scottish culture ...for generations to come.

The Saltire Society’s work in celebrating, promoting and advocating for the importance and vitality of our heritage and contemporary culture has been a feature of Scottish life for more than 75 years. Simply by becoming a member you can contribute to that cause. You will be part of a tradition of passionate, courageous and committed Scottish men and women who have done much to ensure the vitality of the Scotland’s cultural life.

Our awards, publications, lectures and debates continue to draw attention to and celebrate the Scottish imagination in all its forms. But of course times have changed, and to continue in that important role, to remain truly independent in voice and action, we need to be independent financially.

Your further consideration of a legacy, whatever the amount, could help us remain that independent voice for generations to come.

You would be in very fine company. Since 1998 thirteen of your fellow members have left in total £572,194 to further the work of the Society. Other members have already made a commitment in their wills. These monies will help establish the new Saltire Endowment Trust which has been specifically designed to make the most of the generosity of our benefactors and support the work of the Saltire Society.

The new Trust will be an independent charity whose purpose will be to raise and invest funds in support of the Saltire Society’s activities. Those activities come into three broad categories.

  • Awards to recognise and celebrate achievement
  • Lectures, debates and pamphlets to encourage discussion and influence policy
  • Acting as a catalyst to bring interested parties together to achieve common purposes

All in the name of an imaginative, culturally vibrant Scotland.

Of course a legacy is a very personal matter. If you would find it helpful to hear more about our ambitions in person I would be very pleased to meet you at our office HQ, to talk over the telephone, or to visit you at home and talk about our work and hear if there are aspects of that which are of particular interest. I can also explain more about the legal side of the process.

We believe a strong and bold voice that speaks up for the importance of Scotland’s cultural ambitions and heritage is needed now as much as ever. I thank you for your current commitment and support and hope you might give some further consideration to our long term future.

 Aye Yours

 Jim Tough

Executive Director
