Talat is a feminist campaigner and equalities activist focused on women’s equality in politics and the labour market, in particular championing the intersectional experiences faced by women of colour and Muslim women.

She is the Director of Equate Scotland, the national expert organisation on women in science, engineering, technology and the built environment. In 2014, she co-founded, and chairs, the political, cross-party campaign group Women 50:50, advocating for fair representation of women in councils and in the Scottish Parliament. The campaign went on to with the Herald Diversity Award for Campaign of the Year in 2017.

She has a background in public affairs, campaigning, social research and training and development across equalities issues. She has previously worked on issues in further and higher education in Scotland, on student engagement and activism, community organising and men’s violence against women.

Talat has managed a number of projects in the Third Sector, worked in the Scottish Parliament as an equalities researcher and worked as a consultant for third sector organisations and local projects which focused on community outreach and social equality. She is a member of the First Minister’s National Advisory Council on Women and Girls, as well as giving her time volunteering on a number of third sector boards focused on women’s social justice.

Talat is a well-versed public speaker and commentator on radio and in newspapers on equalities issues and frequently writes about women’s inequality, which led her to win the Write to End Violence Against Women Award for Best Article in 2017.