We are delighted to be working with the Glasgow Women's Library again to celebrate the outstanding women of Scotland who contribute so much to Scotland today, not always with the recognition they deserve.

Ten outstanding women were inducted into our inaugural ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ on International Women’s Day in March 2015.


Alongside the First Minister, other inductees included Scotland’s Makar Liz Lochhead and novelist Jackie Kay. Responding to her nomination, the First Minister said she hoped ‘the achievements of all those featured will inspire many more Scottish women to fulfil their dreams’.

From Monday 30th November the public is being invited to submit their nominations for next year’s list. Nominees must be living, contemporary examples of Scottish women who have made a significant contribution to Scottish culture and society. Nominations can be made via Twitter using the hashtag #saltirewomen or by completing the online form HERE

Leading nominees from the social media campaign will be revealed on International Women’s day (8th March 2016) itself, giving the public three months to submit their nominations. Women from all backgrounds can be nominated, provided that they have contributed something ‘truly special’ to Scottish culture and society.


Based on official nominations made via the Saltire Society website, ten women will be inducted into the ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ community in the July of 2016.

Commenting on the launch, Saltire Society Programme Manager Sarah Mason said:

“The Saltire Society is here to protect and promote Scotland’s essential culture and heritage. By championing the women of Scotland – the unsung heroines of this country alongside those who have risen to prominence in public life – the ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ campaign seeks to celebrate everything Scotland’s women have achieved – and the huge contribution they make to the cultural life of this country.”

Adele Patrick, a co-founder of Glasgow Women’s Library commented:

“Scotland has an inordinate number of remarkable women who have shaped its past and some phenomenal women who are changing the face of the nation today. We are thrilled to be working with our partners the Saltire Society to bring the contemporary heroines whether they are architects or engineers, playwrights or poets into the spotlight. These unique Awards involves young women in the process fuelling their own aspirations as we ensure Scotland’s story includes the cultural contribution of women.”



2015 Outstanding Women of Scotland

The ceremony took place on the afternoon of International Women’s Day 2015, Sunday 8th March, at the Glasgow Women’s Library.

We are delighted to announce our  inaugural ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ inductees. 

Announced at a event at Glasgow Women's Library on 8th March 2015 (International Women's Day) celebrating the achievements of Scottish women from all walks of life based on nominations from the general public.:


·         Edinburgh Napier Professor of Creative Writing Bashabi Fraser

·         Former MP, MEP and MSP Winifred Ewing

·         Poet and Novelist Jackie Kay MBE

·         Songwriter Karine Polwart

·         Former President, Industrial Tribunals (Scotland), Dr. Doris Littlejohn CBE

·         Poet, dramatist and Scotland’s Makar Liz Lochhead

·         Singer and writer Dr Anne Lorne Gillies

·         Former Advocate General of Scotland Elish Angiolini DBE

·         Strathclyde University Engineering Professor Rebecca Lunn

·        Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon

Each of the inductees was presented with a limited edition print from up and coming printmaker Jessica Copsey and has been invited to become part of the ongoing Saltire Celebrates programme.

Download our Outstanding Women of Scotland 2015 pamphlet to find out who inspired our inductees HERE.


Outstanding Women of Scotland

We are delighted to announce our inaugural ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ list launched by the Saltire Society to coincide with International Women’s Day (Sunday, 8thMarch 2015).

Members of the public were invited to submit nominations for inclusion in the list during 2014 leading up to St Andrews Day on 30th November.  The key criterion for consideration was that those nominated should be living contemporary examples of Scottish women who have made a significant contribution to Scottish culture and society.

The ceremony took place on the afternoon of International Women’s Day 2015, Sunday 8th March, at the Glasgow Women’s Library.

We are delighted to announce our  inaugural ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’ inductees. 

Announced at a event at Glasgow Women's Library on 8th March 2015 (International Women's Day) celebrating the achievements of Scottish women from all walks of life based on nominations from the general public:


·         Edinburgh Napier Professor of Creative Writing Bashabi Fraser

·         Former MP, MEP and MSP Winifred Ewing

·         Poet and Novelist Jackie Kay MBE

·         Songwriter Karine Polwart

·         Former President, Industrial Tribunals (Scotland), Dr. Doris Littlejohn CBE

·         Poet, dramatist and Scotland’s Makar Liz Lochhead

·         Singer and writer Dr Anne Lorne Gillies

·         Former Advocate General of Scotland Elish Angiolini DBE

·         Strathclyde University Engineering Professor Rebecca Lunn

·        Nicola Sturgeon, First Minister of Scotland, Nicola Sturgeon


Each of the inductees was presented with a limited edition print from up and coming printmaker Jessica Copsey and has been invited to become part of the ongoing Saltire Celebrates programme.

Download our Outstanding Women of Scotland pamphlet to find out who inspired our inductees HERE.




The Saltire Society has launched a social media campaign to see the women of Scotland who have made a significant contribution to Scottish Life, Society and Culture celebrated.

The 24th February saw the start of a yearlong campaign where the Society will celebrate, through social media, one woman each day. Profiling how women have contributed significantly to Scotland’s rich life and culture.

Members of the public are being called on to nominate candidates to be included in a list of ‘Outstanding Women of Scotland’. This major social media campaign is intends to celebrate the multitude of Scottish women who have made an outstanding contribution to the life, society and culture of Scotland.


(Download the entry form before completing)

The list will remain open to formal nominations until St. Andrews Day.  The only qualifying criterion for nominations is to demonstrate that the nominee has made an outstanding contribution to Scottish life, culture or society.