The Model D House

The Model D House

Gokay Deveci, (RIBA, FRIAS)

Project summary

Project: The Model D House
Project Type: Individual
Year: 2012
Client: Sylvan Stuart Ltd
Architect: Gokay Deveci, (RIBA, FRIAS)
Location: Pitmachie, Old Rayne, Insch, Aberdeenshire
Context: Rural
Sector: Private
Cost per Sqm: £933 (excluding external works)

‘Identity comes from relationship, from what is around. I don’t see any conflict between the tradition and innovation. Tradition comes from successive innovations’. Alvaro Siza Vieira

The ‘Model D’ house seeks to stimulate fresh thinking about domestic rural architecture, including increased ecological awareness with a strong focus on environmental considerations and the use of local materials. I feel that this development proves that sustainable and energy efficient design is possible on a low budget, and the affordability has not been achieved at the expense of design or construction quality.

The architectural language of traditional north east agricultural buildings has been adopted. The large window openings in the south facade take advantage of the solar gain and maximise views, while at the same time expressing the building’s contemporary domestic credentials.

I feel that this development proves that sustainable and energy efficient design is possible on a low budget, and the affordability has not been achieved at the expense of architectural design or construction quality. In this project, we have sought to put the philosophy, theory and practice of design in bed together to create a home fit for the 21th Century.

The house was constructed entirely from home-grown timber, and designed to meet the Government’s ‘Zero-Carbon’ targets in new housing developments in 2016.

Sustainable architecture embraces not only ecological and energy considerations, but also economic, social and aesthetic aspects, all of which are reflected in this affordable rural house project. It stands as a joint initiative by architect and client exploring the futurology of rural housing design. Our philosophy was founded on the concept that tradition is a dynamic and evolving phenomenon. It will respond to advances in building technology and changing social and cultural patterns. We have sought to apply innovation anchored in tradition.

Award Citation

Model D is sustainable design of quality and imagination which stimulates fresh thinking about domestic rural architecture.
As a prototype is sets high aspirations in terms of energy use, efficiency of floor space and affordability in parallel with the same high aspirations to achieve a beautiful, comfortable home that exploits view, volume and light.

With its intriguing layered skin of Scottish timber it is an exemplar of its type.