The Edge

The Edge


Project summary

Project: The Edge
Project Type: Individual
Year: 2012
Client: Carole Naylor & John Chesbrough
Architect: Undisclosed
Location: Sandyhills, Dumfries & Galloway
Context: Rural
Sector: Private
Cost Per Sqm: £1,406

The clients have an unconventional lifestyle, spending much of it sailing in warmer climes due to a passion for the sea, wildlife and the natural environment, and relate to the low impact, barefoot, t-shirts, out-doors lifestyle powered by wind and solar. They treasure the freedom, a direct relationship with the elements and the endless horizon. The brief was: translate the spirit, ethos and experience of this life into their new home by creating the experience of year round, sustainable, outdoor living and a low maintenance, flexible living platform from which to experience nature.

The dwelling is situated on a unique, exciting site on the Solway Coast. On the brink of 40m greywacke cliff, formed during the subduction of a tropical Ocean 420million year ago, it has unparalleled views to the Irish Sea and beyond. Surrounded by SWT ancient oak woodland, an RSPB reserve and a SSSI and located in an NSA, the site is idyllic whilst very compact, the only flat area being the former dwelling footprint. The client identified immediately with the location, excitement and potential of this challenging site, which, following professional advice, had been rejected by other potential purchasers.

The concept is of a ‘floating’ structure - expressed in the cantilevered first floor (extended to internal design elements e.g. stairs, kitchen island) and outdoor living – expressed through a 3m high ground floor glass wall to seaward. This innovative approach: maximizes a compact site; mitigates apparent mass; creates a single story appearance (recognising the local architectural vernacular) and generates excitement: as the first floor appears to extend to the edge (and maintains a 4m structural stand-off from the cliff edge). A palette of oak, weatherboard, white render and stainless steel respect the surroundings whilst developing the marine theme.

An imaginative amalgam of ICFs, SIPs and steel frame, this dwelling incorporates PassivHaus certified materials, the fundamental PassivHaus design principles, energy efficient construction and technology to ensure sustainability into the future and enable t-shirt/bare-foot living. A constant ambient temperature with low energy consumption and running costs is achieved through: south facing solar thermal store; on-site heat generation (Solar DHW); efficient electricity conversion (6.5KW Air Source Heat Pump - COP 4.1); heat recycling (whole house MHRV unit); and triple-glazed windows. Flexible living spaces facilitate multiple uses so the house will evolve throughout the lifetime of the clients.

Award Citation

The Edge embraces it’s privileged, elevated position sitting unobtrusively within the tree canopy with a thoughtful arrangement on a compact site overlooking the Solway Coast.

It owes much to the spirit of Grand Designs with owners Carole and John having a clear concept of what they wanted to achieve and organizing much of the detailed design and construction themselves, ensuring that future proofing and energy efficiency were embedded from the outset and that detailing and execution would be of the highest standard.

It is a house of contrasts open, transparent and dramatic at ground level, cellular and private at first but always engaging with nature, the elements and the view.