Promenade House

Promenade House

Wiszniewski Thomson architects

Project summary

Project: Promenade House
Project Type: Individual
Year: 2012
Client: Clive and Susan Andrew
Architect: Wiszniewski Thomson architects
Location: Musselburgh, East Lothian
Context: Small Town
Sector: Private
Cost Per Sqm: £2069

The aim of the project was to realise a long held ambition of our clients, Clive and Susan Andrew, to build a modern house beside the sea for their retirement. Our brief required that the house would be easy for them to occupy well into their old age, and that it would also accommodate guests, in particular their grandchildren.


The main opportunities posed by the site are the panoramic views. The plans, sections and massing of the building were carefully considered to allow sea views from almost all rooms, with priority given to main living accommodation at first floor. Privacy and Daylighting for neighbours. A challenge posed by the site is the close proximity of the yacht club and existing dwellings to the rear and sides. South facing windows were restricted so, in order to benefit from sunshine and solar gain, rooflights have been positoned in the south facing roof, and the sections are articulated to allow sunshine to penetrate into the heart of the plan at each level.

The building is organised with cellular guest accommodation located in a solid plinth at ground floor. This plinth steps back to create a front entrance courtyard, which allows daylight and views to the bedrooms within the plinth. Living accommodation is located above the plinth, at first floor to take advantage of the views and allow for privacy, by being above, and set back from the street. The master bedroom “floats” above the main living room and takes the form of a curved rendered box. This box is set in from the boundaries, to allow rooflights to be inset and provide sunshine to the living room below. The courtyard gardens to the rear and side are sheltered sunny places to sit out, and safe places for grandchildren to play when they are not on the beach.

The house has been designed with a lift to ensure that Clive and Susan will be able to live there comfortably, well into their old age. However, it has also been designed to accommodate their grandchildren and therefore is by no means, just a home for retirement.. The materials are low maintenance and designed to withstand flooding. The envelope is well insulated, exceeding requirements of Building Standards and the house has been fitted with a highly efficient gas boiler with external weather sensor and solar panels on the south facing roof. A lift provides access to each level.

Commendation Citation

Addressing sea views to the North, sunlight has been brought deep into the plan at each floor by a clever manipulation of the section.
The layout is organized so that it will be easy for the owners to occupy well into old age and to realize their long term ambition for a home strongly connected to the sea, powerfully achieved here with curved windows thrusting for the view.

These are bespoke and beautifully made and reflect the high quality of detailing and execution throughout.