Park View

Park View

DO Architecture

Project summary

Project: Park View
Project Type: Large (51+)
Year: 2012
Client: Govan Housing Association Cruden Estates Ltd
Architect: DO Architecture
Location: Govan, Glasgow
Context: City
Sector: Housing Association
Cost per Sqm: £1065.39

The 3 main aspirations of the client, developer and design team were closely aligned from the early stages of the project;

  • continue the regeneration of Govan by filling gap sites and replacing inappropriate light industry
  • develop a strong new boundary to the recently designated conservation area, while maintaining a visual permeability along its edge.
  • provide a mixed tenure for tenants and purchasers which express high aspiration, while achieving this democratically, and without significant external features to stigmatise those of a lower income.

The site provides a number of significant opportunities, through its linear shape along a north/south axis. The new street frontage is 150m long, resmbling the long lost historic street pattern, and affording views and sunlight to most bedrooms in the morning, and to living spaces in the evening. The smaller gap site at Shaw Street addresses a very different set of restrictions, demurely mimicking the rhythm and proportion of its adjacent tenements to seamlessly blend into the historic fabric of Shaw Street at the east elevation, while still maintaining the more vibrant language and rhythm of the design at Golspie Street on the west, courtyard elevation.

The design draws on the tried and tested, traditional Glasgow housing typology of the tenement, with a block generally comprising of a central stair with 2 flats per landing, encouraging neighbourly communication as the space is more intimate and personal, allowing residents and owners to occupy and maintain their own defensible space adjacent to the dwelling, and creating populated stairwells and landings that are bright, safe, warm and supervised. The early design decisions to respect the historic street pattern, coupled with a generous deep urban block, have allowed the courtyard to the rear to provide good amenity space, day light, drying greens and parking.

The dwellings at Golpsie Street are 100% barrier free, with a sigificant proportion capable of accomodating wheelchair users or ambulant disabled occupiers. The team used specifications that have been assessed by the BRE Green Guide with a view to using A-rated selections as far as possible. Rather than including “add-on” items such as turbines or solar panels, the limited finances for the project were directed towards increased thermal performance in the building envelope, reducing the energy load and consumption in the first instance. The flats are orientated with sleeping accommodation generally facing due east for morning light, and living spaces facing south and due west for afternoon and evening sun, reducing the need for additional power and heating supply.

Commendation Citation

A bold approach bristling with form and colour has brought a new identity, vibrancy and debate to a Govan street.

The scale and placement of its grand window elements not only ensure that the apartments are bright but in conjunction with an imaginative use of colour contributes much to the quality of the overall project including the splendid common stairways.