

Gareth Hoskins Architects Limited

Project summary

Project: Marlaw
Project Type: Individual
Year: 2012
Client: Mr & Mrs Lawlor
Architect: Gareth Hoskins Architects Limited
Lcoation: Pollockshields, Glasgow
Context: Suburban
Sector: Private
Cost Per Sqm: undisclosed

There were two primary aims for the design; firstly to provide a modern villa fit for the Clients’ complex programme of spaces, functions and scenarios. The client had a clear idea of the spaces which needed to fit in to a tight, land-locked site. Secondly the location and surrounding area required a substantial and ‘grand’ design to compliment the adjacent listed buildings and be a fittingly worthy addition to the Pollokshields Garden Suburb.

The site is located in a former orchard to the adjacent A-listed property and is accessed down a long, thin driveway where the main body of the site is in a hollow and overlooked on three sides. The challenge, therefore, was to respond to the topography and minimise overlooking. This was achieved by creating a series of ‘wings’ arranged around a courtyard with the building stepping up and away from the neighbours, thus providing the ‘grand’ front elevation. Before construction work could begin the site had to be cleared of Japanese Knotweed which had spread from the neighbouring land.

To respond to the Clients’ security requirements the plan has a layered structure; public spaces to the front, more private spaces, such as the pool, to the back with bedrooms and master suite elevated above the ground floor. Central to the whole is the kitchen and day space around which the Clients’ daily life revolves. As a result of the layering a journey through the building is choreographed to provide views and delight as you move and turn, culminating in the 2nd floor cantilever giving long views to the hills to the south whilst announcing the house to the street.

A 10% betterment over required building regulation U-values is employed to improve the building envelope. A ground sourced heat pump is installed and connected to a efficiently zoned heating system to ensure running costs for the building and pool over time remain sustainable. Material selection was important; natural European stone and white concrete were used for their durability, robustness and harmony with the existing surroundings. Generally materials throughout the project were selected on their green ratings or re-cycled content – cellulose fibre board, sedum roofing, render, mineral wool insulation, TPO membranes, concrete cladding & paving slabs.

Award Citation

Marlaw is a contemporary interpretation of the Grand Villa, arranged for privacy around sheltered courtyards. With a richness throughout its entry approach in particular is dramatic and beautifully detailed in stone, pre cast and glass.

This is an accomplished project with a skilful organisation of a complex set of requirements.