
Katherine Lockton

Edinburgh University

Katherine is an accomplished poet and co-editor of the ‘South Bank Poetry’. Her poetry has appeared in numerous journals and magazines including Magma, Rising, Northwords Now, Brittle Star, The Dark Horse and The Morning Star.

As a bilingual poet fluent in Spanish and English, she is fascinated by language and its roots. Her most treasured possession is her Etymological Dictionary which she always turns to when engrossed in language. In many ways, her exploration of the roots of language mirror her interest in her own Bolivian and British roots which often come together in unusual and intriguing ways. It is the examination of this interaction which informs her poetry.

Katherine has performed her work at venues throughout London including The Torriano Meeting House, The Troubadour, The Betsey Trotwood, Calder’s Theatre and The Poetry Café.

In the past Katherine has run poetry workshops for teenagers and adults affected by mental and physical health problems for organisations such as Sharp and Body & Soul.

Katherine most recently graduated from Edinburgh University’s Creative Writing Masters programme with a distinction. She hopes to continue her studies in Scotland and complete a Phd in Poetry.