Fore Street

Fore Street

Hypostyle Architects

Project summary

Project: Fore Street
Project Type: Small 2-20 Units
Year: 2012
Client: Whiteinch & Scotstoun Housing Association Ltd
Architect: Hypostyle Architects
Location: 158 - 172 Fore Street, Whiteinch & Scotstoun, Glasgow
Context: City
Sector: Housing Association
Cost Per Sqm: £1256.11

The brief called for a redevelopment of the site, in order to provide affordable housing for rent. The development was required to be of high architectural quality, low maintenance, yet be able to be delivered within the constraints imposed by a distinctly harsh funding regime. The project provided an interesting opportunity to regenerate a run down zone within the city, which would benefit new residents and neighbouring residents alike.

The site sits within an existing Victorian tenement perimeter block, which was previously occupied by a derelict, deep plan bakery building, and a former motor repair business.

The nature of the very tight, narrow backcourt site, required a particularly creative approach in order to address issues such as access, overlooking, and maximisation of capacity & amenity space. The proposal completes the existing perimeter block with a 5 storey block of flats, which creates an enclosed backcourt area within which a unique housing typology can be formed.

In response to the characteristics of the site, an interesting and efficient spatial hierarchy was generated. The development is accessed through a pend within a new build 5-storey block of flats, this leads to a serene backcourt area, which in turn leads to an intimate and attractively lit central pedestrian lane, used to access a series of 2 storey houses and cottage flats. These properties are staggered along either side of the lane, affording the houses an outlook beyond their immediate neighbours, towards the tenements on either side. This arrangement ensures that planning guidelines in respect of minimum overlooking distances are achieved.

Climbers have been planted along the blank gables, which will in time provide pleasant green spaces between the blocks.

The detailed design and specification ensures a sustainable, energy efficient and low maintenance proposal that will satisfy the requirements of an Eco Homes ‘Very Good’ Rated development. All aspects of the detailed specifications were considered to ensure that the EcoHomes rating was achieved. This is particularly evident in the following: Responsible Resourcing, Water Wastage, Timber, Insulation & Roofing.

The adoption of energy efficient design has ensured that an average SAP rating of 85 has be achieved, well in excess of the basic requirements. In addition to parking provisions, secure bike racks have been provided adjacent to the flats to encourage cycling within the city.