Da Vadill

Da Vadill

Richard Gibson Architects Ltd

Project summary

Project: Da Vadill
Project Type: Small 2-20 Units
Year: 2012
Client: Hjaltland Housing Association Ltd
Architect: Richard Gibson Architects Ltd
Location: Grantfield, Lerwick, Shetland
Context: Town Centre
Sector: Housing Association
Cost per Sqm: £1699 m2

Provide the maximum number of two person flats with a high level of sound insulation (between dwellings and from external traffic noise), and low maintenance exterior finishes to avoid the need for scaffolding during routine maintenance - particularly on the main road frontage. Dwellings to meet Varying Needs standards and have individual front door access rather than communal entrances & stairs. All lower flats to have wheelchair access. While all flats are intended for 2 person families, 2 flats have an additional single bedroom to allow for different family combinations.

Low maintenance planting as a foil to naturally weathering materials. A low lying site of a former derelict fish factory at the intersection of the old North Road and the newer Holmsgarth Road at the point where the main road from the North leaves the haphazard industrial dockland and enters the residential / commercial centre of Lerwick. Vehicle access restricted to mid-position on North Road due to proximity of road junction. Density of development limited by LA parking policies (in relation to budget). Elevation of lowest ground floor flat agreed with SEPA following flood assessment.

Perimeter development used to:

  • Redefine the street frontage when leaving the industrial area
  • Maximum the number of dwellings in relation to the parking and access planning policies
  • Provide all flats with an open, sunny aspect
  • Provide all flats with sheltered foot access.

Ground floor flats set back from the main road pavement by a balcony to improve separation from the footpath and traffic. The use of louvered balustrades and lowered balcony allows residents to see over the balustrade while seated while further improving privacy.

Ground floor flats raised to allow for rising sea levels (in agreement with SEPA)

Consideration given to redeveloping car park for additional dwellings in the future (if parking restrictions relaxed)

Masonry construction to insulate against increasing sound levels (traffic & inter flat)

Low maintenance materials: natural Slate, larch cladding

Self-watering planting

Upper flats have ancillary sky tube lighting

Upper and lower flats have potential bike space in entrance lobby