
Artists Residence

Fergus Purdie Architects & Arthur Watson

Five Melville Street combines studios for an artist and an architect with workshops and living space. The building presents a tall minimalist facade to the street with a single ‘civic window’ or ‘cabinet’ which will house a series of invited art works and installations. By adopting an unorthodox approach to plan and section the building negotiates the difficult site conditions to establish a new-build of contemporary design within its urban context. The elderly back land workshops at the rear of the site have been renovated and updated as an integral piece of such a progressive regenerative process of conservative surgery as practiced by Patrick Geddes.
The nature of the adjacent property (some were in a very poor state of maintenance and repair) required a ‘hands on’ engagement and dialogue with neighbours and council officials. From this consideration the project progressed in incremental stages of development; works to adjacent properties - restoration of existing outbuilding - new build infill intervention - external courtyard. All of which culminated in a community of purpose between artist, architect and neighbours. The final build section of work to the courtyard was kept ambiguous in terms of boundary definition; whilst boundaries lines were recognised their physical marking was deliberately played down to encourage overlaps in use. This motive to invite a sense of community was further emphasised with the introduction of vegetable planters, one of which was on offer to any ‘like minded’ neighbour.