2016 Emerging Publisher of the Year Shortlist


Keara Donnachie

Publicity Officer

Sandstone Press Limited

Keara’s fresh, imaginative approach as Sandstone Press’s Publicity Officer has developed from her concerted understanding of branding, resulting in innovations such as the Lasag Facebook page for Gaelic titles. She sits on the Publishing Scotland Trade and Marketing Committee, and volunteers as a Publishing Ambassador in schools.


Robbie Guillory

Assistant Publisher

Freight Books

A key member of the team at Freight Books, Robbie’s relentless work as Assistant Publisher has seen Freight gain success across the UK. Robbie also writes opinion pieces on the publishing industry, is a Freight author himself, and plays an active role in mentoring others starting out in the industry.


Leah McDowell

Design & Production

Manager Floris Books

Leah is Design & Production Manager at Floris Books, where she has brought fresh ideas, innovative and creative processes, and strong leadership to her team of three.  As co-Chair of SYP Scotland she launched its mentoring scheme and, through tireless networking, strengthened SYP Scotland’s links around the UK.


Sha Nazir

Publisher / Art Director

BHP Comics

Under the stewardship of Sha Nazir, Publisher and Art Director at BHP Comics, the company has been pushing the boundaries of comic production through workshops, talks, exhibitions as well as Glasgow Comic Con. He has sought to push towards socially relevant projects for a diverse and non-traditional comics audience.


Laura Waddell

Marketing Manager

Freight Books

Laura’s role as Marketing Manager at Freight Books sees her overseeing marketing strategy for 40+ titles a year, creating innovative and socially media savvy campaigns. She is also editorial assistant at Gutter magazine, retains a list of freelance clients, and is actively involved in literary reviewing.