Moder Dy by Roseanne Watt

Published by Polygon

Judges Comments:

'In a beautifully produced first collection Roseanne Watt displays a well developed poetic sensibility. Her poems are pared down; they explore links between an island heritage and city life. Her voice, whether in English or Shetlandic engages deeply and consistently with language.  The collection contains helpful notes, glosses and occasional translations.'


‘I am absolutely thrilled to see Roseanne Watt’s Moder Dy on the shortlist. This collection is an exploration of people, place and a celebration of language; the lines and stanzas in each poem will enchant and enthral you. It is an assured debut from a very promising author and I’m really pleased to see this book on the Saltire shortlist and in such good company.’ 


‘It is such a huge surprise and honour to learn that Moder Dy has been shortlisted for a Saltire Award. I am truly grateful to the judges for including my book on the shortlist, and to the team at Polygon whose hard work brought Moder Dy into existence. As ever, it has been a spectacular year for Scottish literature; I'm sure deciding the winners will be an unenviable task.’