Jane Haining by Mary Miller

Published by Birlinn Ltd

Judges Comments:

Jane Haining: A Life of Love and Courage is a beautiful memorial of a book to a selfless woman who willingly gave up her life to continue to care for children during the Second World War. Through this quiet yet moving biography, Mary Miller allows us to imagine Jane Haining as she would have been in her life, humble and caring to everyone, regardless of their religion or nationality.


‘The team at Birlinn is thrilled to hear that Mary Miller's wonderful book on the life of Jane Haining has been shortlisted for the Saltire Society Book of the Year Award. Mary's detailed research underpins a story that transforms Jane Haining's public persona simply as the Scottish woman who died in Auschwitz into a warm-hearted, feisty, intelligent woman of real strength and courage. Mary enables us to understand and empathise with an enormously important and yet, hitherto, little-understood woman in 20th-century Scottish history.’


Mary Millar:

‘I'm surprised and delighted to be nominated for this award by such a prestigious body. It is very good to know that Jane Haining's remarkable story is being recognised and that she, her brave colleagues and the children and their families who died in the Holocaust will be that bit more remembered. Jane's life is definitely a story for our times, when her love & courage are so badly needed.'