Overlander by Alan Brown

Published by Saraband

Judges Comments:

'Overlander is set apart by its insistence on travelling at its own pace, ad resisting the need to take the country at speed and by numbers. It’s a humorous journey through the heart of Scotland which captures the sometimes surprisingly wild and forbidding beauty of the Highlands, exploring the ever pertinent concern of land ownership.'


'I could not be more delighted for Alan Brown that his fascinating account of a life-changing challenge has been selected for this prestigious shortlist. Overlander is a wonderful piece of writing – inspirational, thought-provoking and a heartfelt homage to Scotland. We look forward to seeing his next writing project soon.'


Alan Brown:

'Like many Scottish people, books have been fundamental to my world from the day I could read, but I never really saw myself as someone who could write one until Overlander forced itself into existence. I have simply never been part of the world of writers and publishers so to find my work shortlisted for a prize so famous even I have heard of it is truly humbling. It's also a fitting tribute to the team at Saraband who refined and polished my rough text with grace, precision and skill.'