Nina X by Ewan Morrison

Published by Little, Brown Book Group, Fleet imprint

Judges Comments:

'A great feat of imagination, showing digital modernity through the eyes of a young woman emerging from a lifetime within the confines of a a Maoist commune. An incisive and witty critique of both Marist ideology and a 24/7 world of contemporary capitalism.'

Fleet's Comments:

'We at Fleet are beyond delighted that the provocative and groundbreaking Nina X, which we are so proud to publish, has been recognised by this prestigious prize, and would like to thanks the jurors and of course congratulate Ewan.'

Ewan Morrison:

'I’m deeply honoured to be Shortlisted for a Saltire Literary Award. It is a prize with a long lineage, and more than a few of the nominees over the years have influenced my creative development profoundly. It's wonderful to be in their company.'