Judges' Comments

Pauline Cuchet of Canongate Books

Pauline impressed the judges with a strong commitment to publishing and an international outlook. Since joining the Rights Department at Canongate in 2017, she has worked to innovate and increase Canongate’s reach. With a passion for children’s literacy, Pauline is part of a paired reading initiative for primary school readers, working with an aim to see them gain confidence in reading.

Anne Glennie from Cranachan

Anne founded Cranachan Publishing in 2016, creating a network of authors and readers from all over Scotland. This year Anne doubled the output of Cranachan with help from her new team and impressed the judges with her passion for publishing and bringing books to young readers.


Kay Farrell from Sandstone Press
Kay has made an international splash with her editorial work at Sandstone Press. With a view to widening the scope of what is published by Sandstone and beyond, Kay looks for new books wherever she goes, searching out something special and new. Kay has a rare drive which sees her take every chance to improve her own work and the productions of Sandstone.

Jamie Norman from Canongate Books
Jamie’s passion and energy apparent was clearly evident to the judges. Whether it be his publicity work with major authors such as Ambrose Barry, Nan Shepherd or Margaret Atwood; or his willingness to share and learn via co-chairing the Society of Young Publishers Scotland and setting up a marketing advice group. Jamie has clearly earned the trust and respect of his colleagues both at Canongate and further afield.

Richard Wainman from Floris Books
Richard impressed the judges with his trajectory and the way his role at Floris Books has grown and him with it. He is community orientated and has proven his commitment to the Scottish Publishing world with mentorship, encouraging new publishers and publishing students and participating in Floris’ paired reading scheme in primary schools.


Alan Windram from Little Door Books
Alan is the co-founder of Little Door Books and works with a tireless energy for children’s publishing, writing and events. The judges were impressed with his exceptional year and his achievement in gaining funding and training in a wide range of skills as well as his work to bring Little Door Books to new readers.