Free books aside, what an experience! As someone who is beginning to dip their toes in Scotland’s publishing waters, I was incredibly excited to be a part of the Non-fiction panel 2017.  Being a genre that I was not extremely  familiar with, I found myself immersed in cultural exploration,  Hebridean adventures and torrid tales from the street s of Scotland.

The panel itself was new territory for me, albeit not dissimilar to primary school book club! It was interesting to hear how we all approached the texts differently and how that translated into our understanding of it. I for one have a new appreciation for the importance of tone and language when it comes to non-fiction books and that some can be just as engaging a read to a fiction fanatic like myself. The atmosphere was a very relaxed one where we could communicate on both a professional and personal level, it made for a much more productive and exciting chat. Luckily, our group were on similar pages (pun intended!) when it came to our top picks and even more so when it came to our least favourites.

All in all this is a fantastic way to meet new people with the same book-loving tendencies as you and what better way to spend an evening than with, tea, biscuits and a two hour chat about books.