History Book of the Year

We are delighted to have the continuned support of the Scottish Historical Review Trust in celebrating and encouraging interest in history and heritage, and sees books of Scottish cultural significance celebrated for their excellence. It is open to non-fiction historical publications which add to the knowledge and understanding of Scotland and the Scots.


We are pleased to announce that 2018 will also see the winning author invited to give the annual Scottish Historical Review Trust Lecture.

Find out More and Apply HERE






2017 Awards

The 2017 History Book of the Year Award Panel have made the hard decision to not make an award this year. Commenting on their decision, Convener of the Awards, Professor Christopher Whatley said:


The Scottish History Book of the Year panel decided not to make the award this year.

This we greatly regret. Several publishers submitted titles. Some of these failed to meet the standards we expect to make such a prestigious award, supported by our sponsors The Scottish Historical Review Trust. Other titles didn’t meet our criteria. These include high quality research and analysis, originality, an accessible writing style and high production values. Books should be about Scotland. Perhaps this was simply a disappointing year, and the normal flow of exceptional books on Scotland’s history will recommence in time for the 2018 award. It is up to Scottish historians to rise to the challenge, and for their publishers to recommend their best titles to the Society. We look forward next year to returning to our usual difficult task of deciding between the best works in Scottish history.