The Award is made for a housing project, which enhances and enriches civic and cultural life. Students of architecture, working in any suitable medium, were invited to enter a graduation piece (either Honours of Diploma) for the 2014 Award by nomination. The housing project was allowed to be in any location but must have contained more than 5 dwellings.

The bursary of £1500 is to enable the winner to pursue a research project, including international travel related to their practice, together with a certificate and membership of the Society. The winner will be expected to commit to the following:

  • present a record of their experiences and/or plans at Saltire Celebrates.
  • regular updates through Facebook, Twitter and other social media.
  • Submit a blog on their experiences for the publications on the Saltire Society and British Council Scotland websites.


This bursary is granted through the generous sponsorship of

the British Council Scotland.