Saltire Infrastructure Awards 2018


Beauly-Denny Overhead Transmission Line

Winner, Greatest Contribution to Scotland Award 2017


The Saltire Infrastructure Awards, run in partnership with the Institute of Civil Engineers Scotland and CECA Scotland, celebrate outstanding civil engineering achievements and the contribution civil engineers make to our quality of life. They aim to showcase the people who design, build and maintain the infrastructure on which we depend and the projects which transform our lives.

The awards are now open and entries are sought for projects completed in 2017/18 which are innovative, creative and have made sustainable contributions to Scotland's built and natural environment. Entry forms can be found here and the deadline for application is 

Friday 25 May 2018.

The Awards ceremony will be held at the National Museum of Scotland on 24 October 2018.

The Saltire Infrastructure Awards were previously known as the Saltire Civil Engineering Awards.