Ullapool Harbour Berth Improvements

Client: Ullapool Harbour Trustees/Caledonian Maritime Assets
Designer: Wallace Stone LL
Contractor: RJ McLeod Ltd

An increase in traffic, following the introduction of Road Equivalent Tariff (RET) and the introduction of a new vessel, the MV Loch Seaforth, which is substantially larger in capacity and displacement tonnage than the existing ferry, were the key drivers behind this project.

The initial design solution of a cross tied combi wall was abandoned when it became clear that up to 40% of all ferry sailings could be lost during construction of the pier extension resulting in unacceptable loss of revenue to local economies. Lateral thinking led to the development of an ingenious solution - the offsite construction of a concrete caisson in Greenock which was then towed to Ullapool and sunk into position on the prepared sea bed.

The successful preparation of the caisson foundation and the installation of the caisson at the first attempt without any disruption to ferry sailings are testament to excellent planning and the skills of the project team.

Constructing the new pier blocks A finished block ready to be floated into position The finished blocked moved by sea into position

Constructing the new pier blocks

 A finished block ready to be floated into position
The finished blocked moved by sea into position