Saltire Civil Engineering Awards 2015


Convener's Statement

The 2014 Saltire Society Civil Engineering Awards continued the trend of a very successful event, not least for the record entries at 18, their overall very high quality and of course the eventual Award Winner, The Helix in Falkirk, which incorporates a transformational Forth & Clyde Canal extension, new Public Space and Leisure Facilities and the iconic and much visited “Kelpies” sculptures.

Once again, the Adjudication Panel were very taxed with choosing winners from the many fine entries and recognition and thanks must be given to all the entrants, whether successful in receiving an award, a commendations or not.

The Awards Ceremony was held for the second year in a row at the wonderful National Museum of Scotland.  It was a great success and this venue remains to be one of the best we have ever had.  Also, there was a high turnout, the presenter was Heather “the Weather” Reid once again and Magus Linklater, Geoff French, President of The Institution of Civil Engineers and Dennis Robertson MSP all contributed to a very successful evening.

I am keen that the Awards continue to celebrate the Construction Industry in Scotland and increase public awareness of the important work being done by civil engineers.  With this in mind, we are looking at ways to increase the impact of the Awards and the publicity for the Society, the work of The Institution of Civil Engineers and the Entrants alike.

Finally, I look forward to your entries and would like to take this opportunity to wish all entrants to the 2015 Civil Engineering Awards the very best of luck and of course a busy and successful year.  

Gordon Pomphrey
Saltire Society Civil Engineering Awards