John Scott Moncrieff

A recently retired lawyer, with a background in the senior management of his firm, expertise in all aspects of Private Client work and a track record of enduring and varied involvement in the Arts in Edinburgh, Glasgow and London, John enjoys good connections across a wide spectrum.

Married, with three adult children, John has, over the years, been on the Board ( and Chaired six ) of nine Theatre Companies. He served on the Scottish Arts Council for six years, chairing the Drama ( and thereafter Performing Arts ) Committee.

Away from the Arts, he is a Director of Murray Asset Management and of Scotland Street Press, also acting ( since 1985 ) as Honorary Consul of Monaco in Scotland and ( since 2010 ) as Bailie of Holyroodhouse.

John's principal interests are Theatre, Dance, Hill-walking, Horse-racing and writing Doggerel. He is a lifelong supporter of Hibernian Football Club.