Privacy Policy


The Controllers of the Saltire Society Membership database are the Director (Sarah Mason) and the Administrator and Events Officers (Heather Palmer and Catriona Cox).

Both Controllers can be contacted via:

Tel: 0131 556 1836
Address: 9 Fountain Close, 22 High Street, Edinburgh, EH1 1TF


Data Subjects

The data subjects, who have access only to the database information pertaining to their specific branch members are the Branch officials, as noted in the Saltire Society Syllabus. When a branch official steps down, they will submit any files pertaining to the database to either the incoming Branch official or directly to the Controllers (as noted in item 1).


Purpose of Database

The Saltire Society holds a membership database strictly for the following purposes:

  • To inform members of activities taking places within and by the Society.
  • Where appropriate inform members of the activities taking place within and by their
                  respective Branch.


Database information Held
The Saltire Society holds the information listed below of all its members:

Title, First Name, Surname, Address, Postcode, Email, Telephone Number, Membership Number, Membership Type, Date of Birth, Date Joined, Any Branch affiliation, Gender, Date of Renewal.


Retention Period

The Saltire Society shall retain a members’ information for 10 years after a member resigns from the Society, after which time all records will be deleted.

Data Subjects Rights

Data subjects will only have access to the database information pertaining to their specific branch members while they are a serving branch official (as noted in Item 2).

Only with the permission of the Branch member can the data subject make contact with the member and solely for the purpose of informing the member of their specific Branches activities. Data Subjects will not use information within the membership database for any other purpose.


Source of Personal Data

Data kept within the membership will originate from the member themselves.

On the occasion a membership is bought as a gift, the information will be received from the purchaser. A copy of the information held will be sent to the member along with a copy of the link to the privacy policy and data protection.


Provision of Personal Data

Personal data is required for membership of the Society so that members can be kept informed of the activities they are supporting through their membership.


Withdrawing Consent

Members can withdraw their consent at any time.

In order to withdraw consent a member should write to the Controllers either via email or post (as noted in item 1) with their name, address and membership number, noting their wish to withdraw consent.



Complaints can be lodged with the Convener of the Saltire Society via email, or post (details as noted in item 1).


All the Society's working policies can be viewed here.