Keep Scotland Beautiful is the charity that campaigns, acts and educates on a range of local, national and global issues to change behaviour and improve the quality of people’s lives and the places they care for. 


KSB is leading the way on improving Scotland’s environment, tackling a wide range of environmental issues, from reducing the amount of litter on our streets to cutting the carbon emissions that threaten our planet. 

Having been part of the environmental landscape for over 50 years, KSB draws together government, local authorities, businesses, community groups and individuals in this common cause.  With a presence in every village, town, and city in Scotland, its activities are estimated to make a difference to 1 in 5 people living in Scotland. 

KSB's work aims to help people to change the way they think about the environment and encourage them to take action to improve and protect it. The goal is to make Scotland a cleaner, greener and more sustainable place to live, work and visit.

In order to achieve the change Scotland needs, the whole country has  to work together. As a key partner for individuals and communities, local and central government, third sector organisations and private sector businesses, KSB is at the heart of that effort. 

KSB's vision is a clean, green sustainable Scotland where people are engaged positively and empowered to take action on local, national and global sustainability issues in order to achieve positive change in behaviour and improve quality of life.

Its mission is to campaign, educates and act on a range of local, national and global sustainability issues.  It works collaboratively to achieve positive change, improving people’s quality of life and environment.

 KSB provides environmental campaigns, services and practical initiatives that help Scotland with its environmental ambitions and problems. Its unique spectrum of activities focuses on four main areas: Sustainable Development Education, Local Environmental Quality, Sustainability and Climate Change, and Environmental Services.

KSB campaigns, acts and educates towards environmental improvements in all of Scotland’s 32 local authority areas.  Activities range from awards and accreditations to local environmental quality monitoring; from campaigning to training and audits; from clean-ups to celebrating environmental achievement ; and from environmental education in schools to supporting public sector action on climate change. 

Through these activities KSB works to support and encourage individuals, communities, organisations and businesses across Scotland, enabling and inspiring them to improve their environment and the quality of all our lives.

KSB provides education initiatives for children, young people and educators which focus on environmental issues so that we can improve understanding and encourage positive action in the areas of Eco-Schools, Food and the Environment, Learning for Sustainability Projects and Energy, Enterprise and Environment

On local environmental quality, KSB  provides advice and support to help create and maintain cleaner, safer and healthier local environments where people and communities can thrive. Campaigning activities include Clean Up Scotland, Beautiful Scotland, It's Your Neighbourhood and the Green Flag and Beach Awards. It's Your Neighbourhood is of particular note, being a community environmental improvement initiative which KSB manages in partnership with the Royal Horticultural Society  under the Britain in Bloom campaign, running alongside Beautiful Scotland but is non-competitive and is based on the three pillars of community participation, environmental responsibility and gardening achievement.

On sustainability and climate change, KSB works with organisations and communities to help people to reduce carbon emissions, improve local areas and adapt to the impacts of climate change through a Climate Challenge Fund and Climate Literacy programme. KSB also provides bespoke environmental services such as audits, surveys and training to help businesses, public bodies and communities groups to meet their environmental commitments and responsibilities.

The sense of community that KSB seeks to engender will be of even greater relevance as Scotland emerges from the Coronavirus pandemic.