Celebrating the Scottish imagination…

The Saltire Society and its members believe that culture is at the heart of who we are as individuals, as a community, as a country. We care deeply about that aspect of our lives and work tirelessly to promote all that's best about it. We are inclusive in outlook, international in our perspective and independent in our views. We are not beholden to any political orthodoxy. Our loyalty is to the inspiring people who enlighten our lives and times, past present and future.


An apolitical membership organisation open to all . . .

We are an non-political membership organisation, welcoming members from all over Scotland and internationally. We have branches in Edinburgh, Glasgow, Aberdeen, Kirriemuir and the Highlands. Each runs its own local programmes and provides access to events, networking and social activities for those members who wish to get involved directly through their local community. In addition there are national communications, events, awards and publications for all members, wherever they are in the world. Our Head Office in Edinburgh is a place for members to meet and work. We are open to all who wish to support and celebrate the Scottish imagination and we encourage you to join if you have an interest in any aspect of Scottish culture and heritage. Our affiliate memberships see us connecting with likeminded bodies.


An international supporter and patron of the arts and cultural heritage of Scotland . . .

We were founded in 1936 to improve the quality of life in Scotland and restore the country to its proper place as a creative force in Europe. We are international in outlook. We seek to preserve all that is best in Scottish tradition and to encourage new developments which can strengthen and enrich the country’s cultural life. This includes architecture, arts & crafts, civil engineering, history, literature, music, and science.


A champion of free speech on the issues that matter to the cultural life of every Scot . . .

We are a champion of free speech and open debate on the issues important to the contemporary cultural life of every Scot. Our annual Fletcher of Saltoun lecture is a case in point. We are concerned with international issues that affect Scotland, as well as considering the more local challenges we face – ranging from housing design through to civil engineering.


A promoter of the best of what we are culturally, now and in the future . . .

We promote the best of what we are culturally in Scotland. Or We promote all that’s best in Scottish culture. We support or highlight great skills or artistic talents that are not often covered in the mainstream media, and we promote excellence in many fields through a series of national awards and scholarships. We also want to promote the best of Scotland for the future, ensuring that great people and their works are part of the legacy we give to future generations.


A catalyst to ensure new ideas are considered and the best of them are made real . . . 

We want to act as a catalyst to make things happen in Scotland. Getting the best we can from our imagination as a nation means ensuring that new ideas and diverse views are heard and debated, and that rigorous conversations are encouraged as the norm. We also want to be the champion for the best of these new ideas to be brought to fruition, helping great things to be imagined and created in Scotland.


“The Scottish Government places great importance on culture and heritage as they make an invaluable contribution to our quality of life, bringing real social and economic benefits to people and communities in our towns and cities. I welcome the Saltire Society’s continued focus on building upon its position as an independent and authoritative voice in Scotland’s cultural landscape. The Society continues to promote and encourage new developments which can strengthen and enrich our cultural life – a tradition it has built up over 80 years.”

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon


Saltire Society Constitution